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但當頭皮受到各種刺激時, 頭

1. 化學洗髮產品 - 含有過多化學成分的洗髮產品可能會刺激頭皮,引發

2. 環境污染 - 空氣污染、紫外線輻射等都可能造成頭皮受損

3. 生活壓力 - 過大的生活壓力會影響免疫功能,導致頭皮敏感。

4. 遺傳因素 - 某些人天生對特定物質過敏,更容易出現頭皮敏感。

5. 營養不良 - 缺乏必要的維生素和礦物質會使頭皮屏障功能降低


- 頭皮發紅、發熱、發癢
- 頭皮脫屑、起小疙瘩
- 頭髮稀疏或易斷裂
- 頭皮灼痛、刺痛感

對於頭皮敏感,最關鍵的是要找到引發原因,並進行針對性的護理。除了選擇溫和的洗髮產品,還要注重營養均衡,調理免疫功能,並適當使用一些緩解頭皮症狀的產品,如NHRC Beauty Series 專業洗護產品等。


First, we need to understand the structure and function of the scalp. The scalp is composed of skin, hair follicles, sweat glands, etc., and is one of the most important barriers in the human body. Under normal circumstances, the scalp has a strong self-regulating ability and can maintain a healthy and balanced environment.

But when the scalp is stimulated by various stimuli, a sensitive reaction will occur. Common irritants include:

1. Chemical shampoo products - Shampoo products containing too many chemical ingredients may irritate the scalp and cause allergies.

2. Environmental pollution - Air pollution, ultraviolet radiation, etc. may cause scalp damage.

3. Life stress - Excessive life stress can affect immune function and cause scalp sensitivity.

4. Genetic factors - Some people are born with allergies to specific substances and are more likely to develop scalp sensitivity.

5. Malnutrition - A lack of essential vitamins and minerals can reduce the scalp barrier function.

Symptoms of scalp sensitivity often include:

- Red, warm, itchy scalp
- Scalp scaling and small pimples
- Hair that is thin or prone to breakage
- Burning and stinging sensation on scalp

For scalp sensitivity, the most important thing is to find the cause and carry out targeted care. In addition to choosing mild shampoo products, you should also pay attention to nutritional balance, regulate immune function, and use appropriate products to relieve scalp symptoms, such as NHRC Beauty Series professional care products.

If you are experiencing symptoms of scalp sensitivity, it is recommended that you seek professional advice from Natural Hair Recovery Center to determine the specific cause of your symptoms and obtain an appropriate course of treatment.

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